Connecting Patients with Families in Times of Need

Simple and scalable two-way audio communication between residents and loved ones.


Doctors Marc and Tamatha approached Helm to bring their medical software to life. The team worked with them to create a powerful mobile application that enables patients to communicate with loved ones. The VoiceLove team recently received grant funding from the National Institute of Health to study the efficacy of the application.


Challenges & Opportunities

Marc and Tamatha saw a broken communication system that relied on nurses to facilitate communication with family and friends. The pandemic magnified this issue and put frontline healthcare workers in harm’s way. Patients, such as the critically ill or disabled, rely on intermediaries to communicate with their families, leading to suffering from disconnection.

Helm’s aim was to design and develop a solution for all patients regardless of constraints.


Helm's team worked with cybersecurity experts to deliver a safe, effective way for patients to communicate with loved ones. The mobile application is available on any mobile device, allowing patients to turn their mobile device into a HIPAA compliant walkie-talkie. They can create private channels, invite family and friends, and share both synchronous and asynchronous messages with one another. The connection to loved ones aimed to improve patient outcomes by lifting spirits and removing isolation.

Strategies & Tactics

Helm directed the technology strategy by working closely with the doctors, Marc and Tamatha, and hospital systems to ensure that the app met the needs of hospitals and patients.

Design: Prototyping allowed Helm to reduce development costs and get to product-market fit 10x faster.

Development: Rapid iteration in development allowed them to reduce learning time by 50%.

Product Strategy: Workshops allowed Helm to get true insight into the needs of hospitals and patients.


Helm created a powerful product that connects family members with audio messages at the most important times of their life. This connection improves patient outcomes and has been adopted by several hospitals in the pilot program. Additionally, Helm's efforts have been recognized by the National Institute of Health, which awarded them $3M in grant funding.

Helm's success is due to their focus on meeting the needs of all stakeholders, from doctors and nurses to families and patients. They were able to reduce development costs and learning time by using design prototyping and rapid iteration in development.

By working closely with founders, hospital systems, manufacturers, and partners like AT&T, the team was able to ensure that the app connected patients at their most needed time.

Helm's efforts have been recognized by the National Institute of Health grant, and they continue to work on improving patient outcomes and studying the impact of their app.

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